Mascotas. La adición peluda a cualquier hogar puede hacer o arruinar su día. Las mascotas son un placer en Los Sims 4 , tanto si llegas a casa con una cola que se mueve esperándote en la puerta como si tienes todas tus pertenencias esparcidas por el suelo. Si eres el feliz dueño de un gato o un perro, esta es la guía sobre cómo envejecer a tus mascotas en Los Sims 4.
Nota: el siguiente contenido forma parte de la expansión “Perros y gatos”.
Cómo envejecer a tu mascota
Alright, you’ve obtained your pet and you’ll want to age it up if you prefer to unlock all of the interactions now rather than wait for them to reach maturity over time. You have two methods of aging up your pet and both require the use of the item Dr. Magi-Heal’s Medicine Craft-o-Matic.
The DIY Method
You can age up your pet from the comfort of your Sim’s home by purchasing this item for 1200 Simoleans. Once you’ve placed the item inside of your home, you can interact with the Craft-o-Matic and produce items to play with your pet.
From here you will need to level your Vet skill by using the items that the Craft-o-Matic produces. You will need to raise your Vet skill to level 6 to unlock the aging functions. Once you’ve reached the required Vet skill, simply interact with the Craft-o-Matic again and you will have the option of aging your pet up or down.
The Veterinarian Method
The second method is simpler and faster but costs you money to perform. You may choose not to level your Vet skill and visit a Veterinarian’s office instead.

Inside of the building you will find vending machines located throughout. While interacting with a vending machine, you will have the option of purchasing an Age Up Treat from a machine costing 150 Simoleans each. You will also find Age Down Treats in the same location for the same price.
The Process for aging down your pet is the same as aging up, except you select the Age Down Treat instead with either method.
No matter which treat you are using, the process to use a treat is very simple. Just click your desired pet, select “Vet Treats” and then choose whether you want to age up or age down your pet. Et Voila, you’re done!
Why Artificially Age Your Pet?
The benefit of manually controlling your pet’s age comes in the form of instant access to their functions in total, as well as practical immortality. Because once your pet reaches an elderly age, there’s a chance they will pass on to the big Sim Pet Heaven in the sky.
Having the option of aging your pet down from Elder to Adult essentially rejuvenates their life span. This allows you to keep your favorite pets forever. Whether you plan on raising a ton of pets, or just keeping a few in your house, the process will be much easier now that you know how to age pets up and down in The Sims 4.
Pets are a great addition to your home. But the home itself can be renovated in many ways. Check out these guides to give your place a fresh look:
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